Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cherry-Almond Cheesecake

This is a really old favorite that I've been making since I was 21. I used to make it for parties and for men I was dating. One guy said he ate so much of it it literally made him sick. Was that a compliment or not? The other night I made it and it just barely had enough time to cool and chill before I served it. So, I put it in the freezer. Surprisingly, that worked pretty well, actually! 

Directions: Prepare one Graham Cracker Crust in a 9-inch pie pan or an 8-inch springform. Just follow the directions on the back of the Graham Cracker Crumb box.


Cream until consistency of whipped cream: 1 1/2 lbs. cream cheese. Whip in, adding gradually: 1 C sugar and 1/4 t. salt. Beat until light and fluffy. Fold in 4 egg whites, beaten stiff. Add 1 t. lemon juice. Pour slowly into graham crust. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until a bit brown on top with a crack or two. If you double the recipe (for a 10-inch springform) you will definitely have to cook it longer. Remove and set oven to 425 degrees.


1-pint sour cream, 2 T sugar, 1/2 t. vanilla, 1/2 t. almond extract. Pour carefully over cheesecake, spreading evenly to the edges. Bake, for 5 minutes in a 425-degree oven. Remove, and put in refrigerator for several hours. Remove and make or pour a can of cherry pie filling evenly over the top of the cheesecake. Leave the very edges (about 1/1 inch) white.  Devour!

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